pears - marketing periods

The pear tree is native of western Asia where it still grows wild . Nowadays pear trees are intensively cultivated in China and Europe, mostly in Italy, Spain, France, Germany and Netherlands. Italian production is centred in the North, Emilia Romagna alone produces more than the 50% of the national total production. Italian pears production is almost available all the year with summer varieties such as William, Coscia, Guyot, Santa Maria and Max Red Bartlett, and autumnal ones Abate Fetel, Decana del Comizio, Conference, Rosada, Packam’s and Kaiser. The winter Passacrassana suffered a strong decline and today have a marginal position.

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William pears are on sale from August to November. It is a variety widespread today all over the world, the William pear has been selected at the end of the eighteenth century in the English city of Aldernaston. It’s a juicy fruit characterized by its typical aroma and is most used in industry for jams and juices. The summer William is ideal for salad fruits, milk shakes and cocktails.
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Consumers really appreciate this sweet and juicy variety, we can find it on sale from beginning November to end of June.
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This variety can be easy identificated by its regular form and the uniformity of its brown peel. Juicy and crunchy is fit for fresh and cooking use.

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decana del comizio

Big and roundish, this fruit has been selected in Angers (France) at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. For its sweet juicy and compact pulp this pear can really be good for cooking and specially for jams and juices.

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williams rosso

Once was this variety more appreciated, but still today it has many appraisers thanks to the excellent quality of its pulp witch is also juicy and sweet-smelling. It is part of the summer pears and have to be handled with care.

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abate fetel

This pear represents one of the most requested variety and is intensively grown in Emilia Romagna, mostly in Modena and Ferrara provinces. The name was of a French monk who selected the pear tree in the middle of the fifteenth century.
This fruit have a typical lengthened shape, a rusty green peel and a sweet-smelling pulp.

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santa maria

This summer variety is quite juicy and characterized with a high productivity and an early fruit-bearing. For these interesting peculiarities its growing collects a great success in the mid.south of Italy. This pear can be consumed from the middle of July to the end of October.

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The marketing period is from November to April. Apples have excellent peculiarities for preservation and a high after sale “shelf-life”. At ambient temperature this fruit keeps juicy and crunchy for several weeks. Marketing becomes trough Modì Europa Spa.

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This apple is sherry-red (a beloved chromatism for the Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani who gives its short to this variety) the harvest period is the first ten-days of September. It have high crunchy characteristics with high brix and acids. It is a very remarkable fruit for the low environmental impact due to the high resistance to parasitical attacks.

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Our products can be packed in standard packagings (as usually requested by the market) or according to customer’s requests.

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